1st International Meeting for the constitution of...
About Us
Welcome To GARTIO

Global Association of Radiological Technologists of Indian Origin -GARTIO, is the umbrella organization and common platform of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists of Indian Origin working across the globe. India is the second largest country in the world in terms of population and fifth biggest economy. The worlds largest democracy is also the largest producer of skilled manpower and professionals in many sectors including Engineering & Technology, Healthcare, Law and Management. Apart from doctors and nurses, a large number of other professionals from India are also working in the healthcare sector across the globe. Theseprofessionals are commonly known as Allied Health Professionals orAHPs.
Radiological Technologists are the pioneers among AHPs and play avital role in healthcare delivery by connecting the technological innovation with clinical medicine. Radiolological Technologist is a
History of GARTIO
September 9 is considered as the National Integration day of Indian Radiographers. It was on 9 th September 2007 that, Indian Society of Radiographers and Technologists started its full fledged national activities by emerging themselves as the Pan India Organization.
In the past one and half a decade, ISRT has redefined Indian
Radiological Technology. ISRT has also attained two milestone achivements such as International Affiliation in ISRRT – International Society of Radiographers & Radiolological.

Our News & events
1st International Meeting for the constitution of GARTIO
World Radiogrphy Day Celebrations online
Past Event -World Radiogrphy Day Celebrations...